Do you own an older fireplace that is looking worn out? Does your older fireplace not operate as well as you would like it to? Are you too afraid to even start a fire in your older fireplace? Owning an older fireplace comes with a lot of challenges: your brickwork is more likely to be worn and faded; you’re more prone to leaking masonry; and you mortar may be starting to crumble. On top of all of these issues, older fireplace designs might not mesh well with the rest of your home decor. If you are experiencing issues associated with owning an older, worn out, dirty, or outdated fireplace, we here at Leonard and Sons can help. Our expert masons can help you rebuild or repair your old fireplace so that you and your family will be able to enjoy the warm feeling of sitting around a fire all fall and winter long.
What type of fireplace repairs and improvements can we make?
Refacing – If you are looking for a whole new look to your fireplace, refacing is the way to go. Our masons can remove the old brick from your fireplace face and replace it with new brick. You can choose the color and style of brick you like in any pattern you want, meaning it will look like you have a whole new fireplace.
Stain Removal – Sometimes your fireplace just needs a little pick-me-up. If your fireplace is full of soot and water stains, Leonard and Sons can help! We use a product called Paint “N” Peel to quickly and effectively remove all stains from your fireplace masonry.
Change out – A change out is the process of converting your wood burning fireplace to a new fireplace by adding an insert. An insert is a firebox that is installed inside your masonry fireplace. Inserts can burn gas, wood, pellets and other fuels and are often more efficient at heating your home.
Masonry Restoration – Whether your masonry is cracking, crumbling, or leaking, our masons can repair it. Two of the most common procedures we perform are tuckpointing and brick replacement. Tuckpointing consists of carefully removing the mortar from your brickwork using specialized tools and replacing it with new mortar. Brick replacement consists of removing old, crumbling and worn out bricks and replacing them with new ones. Our experienced masons have decades of experience and will be able to perfectly match your new mortar and bricks with the old ones, leaving you with a nice, consistent look.
You don’t have to live with an old, worn out, out of date fireplace anymore! Our masons have been trained, tested, and certified by Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), meaning that your the work done to your fireplace will be done safely and with the highest of quality standards. If your fireplace is in need of a face lift, call Leonard & Sons at 847-658-7659 or check us out online to schedule an appointment with one of our expert masons today!