Chicagoland & Algonquin Wood Stove Installation: Leonard & Sons Gets the Job Done Right
Looking to install a new wood stove for your home in Crystal Lake, Algonquin, Chicagoland, or anywhere else nearby? Our team of experts is here to help. At Leonard & Sons, we specialize in fireplace and stove installation services, and we’d love to set you up right with the perfect system for your home and needs. Give us a call with questions or reach out online today.
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How Efficient Are Wood Stoves?
The good news for those prioritizing efficiency levels is that wood stoves have evolved significantly over the years, with modern designs offering far more heat than models of old. Today, wood stoves are generally considered a very efficient heating source – definitely far more efficient than an open wood fireplace.
This means that, if you’re wanting high heat, but also don’t want to lose out on the ambiance of burning wood logs, a wood stove is a great option for your household. In fact, EPA-certified stoves can typically convert 70% to 80% of the wood fuel’s energy into usable heat.
All that said, there are things that can affect efficiency levels, such as the type of fuel you’re burning (you should always be using seasoned wood), draft and airflow quality, the size of the stove, and how often it’s professionally maintained. If you have questions or need to book an inspection, don’t wait to reach out.
Do Wood Stoves Require a Chimney?
Yes, wood stoves require a chimney or venting system to operate correctly and to ensure no hazardous gases (like carbon monoxide) or smoke enter back into your home. There are two main types of venting systems for wood stoves:
- Class A Chimney Systems: These are insulated metal pipes designed for high-temperature venting. They are suitable for wood stoves, and the insulation helps maintain an optimal temperature for the gases to rise, ensuring good draft.
- Masonry Chimneys: Traditional brick-and-mortar chimneys can also be used, so if you have one in place already, this could be an option. You’ll just want to ensure you have a proper liner installed and fitted.
Regardless of the type of venting system, the chimney should be inspected and swept at least once per year to avoid debris buildup, creosote accumulation, and damage.
How Often Should I Clean My Wood Stove?
If we’re talking professional chimney sweeping/cleaning services, you should have this maintenance completed by a chimney technician at least once per year.
As far as cleaning tasks in between this maintenance, there are things that you, the homeowner, can accomplish to ensure your wood stove stays running well and in tip-top shape.
Regularly remove wood ash.
You should remove ashes from the stove on a regular basis, as buildup can restrict airflow, making it harder to burn the wood efficiently. Every couple weeks, scoop out most of the ash, leaving a thin layer behind to provide insulation for future fires.
Clean the glass.
Do your own inspection. While homeowner inspections should never replace ones completed by a professional, staying vigilant and noting any changes in efficiency is important. If you’re concerned about performance or notice any visible damage, call us in.
Do your own inspection.
Can a Wood Stove Heat My Whole House?
Not likely – unless you have a well-insulated small home or cabin, in which cases it may be able to get the job done. That said, because wood stoves are so efficient, many utilize them for zone heating.
What is zone heating? Zone heating is the concept of heating specific areas or rooms of a home, rather than using your home heating system to heat the whole space. It makes sense – if there are lots of areas you don’t regularly use, why pay to keep them warm?
So, if this is the method you’d like to adopt for now-and-future winters, then a new wood stove may be the ideal fit for your space.
Can I Burn Trash or Cardboard in My Wood Stove?
It definitely isn’t recommended. While it may seem like a convenient way to clean up, burning these materials can be harmful to your stove, your home, and even the outside environment.
Here’s why:
- Burning household waste – especially plastics, treated wood, and certain synthetic materials – can release dangerous chemicals into the air – which isn’t great for indoor air quality or the outside environment that you smoke is escaping into.
- Burning items like cardboard or trash can produce excessive amounts of creosote, which can eventually cause a chimney fire to occur. Chimney fires can invite lots of damage and make you more vulnerable to experience house fires.
- Trash and cardboard burn inconsistently, which can lead to poor combustion and excess smoke.
Bottom line? Wood stoves are designed for burning seasoned wood – and that’s it. Properly seasoned hardwoods are the ideal fuel for maximizing heat output, safety, and efficiency.
Trust Us for Exceptional Wood Stove Installation
At Leonard & Sons, we take pride in delivering the best wood stove installation services to homeowners in Chicagoland, Algonquin, and the surrounding areas. When you choose our team, you’re not just getting a wood stove – you’re investing in comfort, reliability, and peace of mind.
Contact us today to schedule your installation or chimney service.
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